Friday, October 29, 2010

My beliefsssss.

What I believe about life is that thier is one god and he has a son names Jesus.Jesus is my savior and god is who I live for.I highly believe and i an taught that the is an eternal after life when you die and i believe that there is a heaven which is the best place ever,and hell which is the worst place with pain and said in the bible that the anti-christ will show up again some day.revelation is shaddy and it creeps me out.The end of the world is scary as well.

Friday, October 22, 2010


John R.Scott was a candor man to some people.He was a very prodigious partier but his wife did not like that one bit.One day John was gonna throw a party away from his wife cause he was scared she was gonna crash it.Keeping capacious from her,he took the sand bags from the other side of the missisippi so that the water could permeated through the land and flood her house.It was a very copious idea but it did not turn out as planned.he got arrested and destroyed land and property that cost a replete suppy of money.

Friday, October 15, 2010


I am so ready for baseball season,and I have many reasons reason is because I tired of being all bored with not a thing to do.Reason two is cause I love baseball and its fun to play.I think we have a pretty good team squad this year.And many really good returning players.Im tired of watching baseball,Cause everytime I watch it i want to Play so bad.I was kind of sad when the braves got knocked out of the post season cause it was bobbys last year managing so i was heatbroken when they lost.